Monday, July 6, 2015



Bread Slices : 4
Mixed Fruit Jam : 4 tbsp
Finely Chopped Dryfruits : 2 tbsp
Milk : 1 litre
Vanilla Custard Powder : 3 tbsp
Sugar : 4 tbsp

Method :

1. Cut the corners of the bread slices.
2. Slightly dip the bread slices in milk and squeeze lightly and keep  it on a rolling pin . Put other slice at the end of first slice .

3. Lightly roll these joined slices with a rolling pin or you can flatten them with your palm .

4. Mix the jam and dryfruits very well .

5. Spread this jam mixture on bread and start rolling the bread slices from one end to other .

6. Cut into small parts and keep aside .Bread Jam pinwheels are ready.

For the Custard .

1. Dissolve custard powder in lukewarm milk.
2. Boil milk , add custard mix and keep stirring the mixture so that it doesnot stick to the bottom of the pan .
3. When the milk is reduced to half , add sugar and keep stirring till sugar dissolves .
4. Allow this to cool . You can also chill this custard .

For  Serving

1. Place the  bread pinwheels in a bowl and top it with custard and serve .

Next Recipe : Cheesy Disc

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