Friday, November 28, 2014


Ingredients :

Vanilla Cake Crumb : 1 cup
Small pieces of dark chocolate : 5- 6
Milk : one fourth cup
Oil for deep frying

Method :

1.Dip the pieces of chocolate in milk and coat them very well with cake crumb .

2. Allow to rest for 20 minutes so that coating becomes firm .

3. Repeat this process again , (dipping and coating )

4. Heat oil , deep fry these balls in medium hot oil on medium flame .

5. Serve Hot .

Note :1. Chocolate and milk both should be at room temperature .
2. After first coating , you can keep the balls in refrigerator, but after second coating balls should be fried immediately , to get melting chocolate .

Tomorrow's Recipe : Sticky centre chocolate

Keep Reading , Keep Cooking

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