Monday, November 17, 2014


Ingredients :

Dosa Batter : one fourth cup
Tomato slices : 2
Onion Rings : 2- 4
Carrot juliens : 4-8
Green Capsicum julians : 4- 8
Salt to taste
Pepper : a pinch
Grated Mozorella Cheese : 2 tbsp

Method :

1. Pour one small spoon of dosa batter on sandwich maker and let it toast (partially ) for 2 min.
2. Take out and keep aside .
3. Repeat the same process so that two half  done toast are made .

4. On one slice of toast arrange the vegetables and sprinkle little salt and pepper .

5,On the second toast put grated cheese .
6. Keep the first toast with vegetables again on sandwich maker . Cover it with second toast , cheesy side on bottom , and again cook for 2 minutes .

7. Cut diagonally andd serve with tomato ketchup.

Note :1. We have already learnt to make dosa batter in  earlier sessions (Open Dosa ) .
2. The batter being liquidy spreads unevenly on sandwich maker , so if you get toast of varying size , then trim the sides with scissors to get toasts of same size .

Tomorrow's Recipe : Honey chilly French Fries

Keep Reading , Keep Coding 

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