Sunday, October 26, 2014


Rasogulla : 6
Khoya  : 150 gms
Saffrom cream mix : 3 tbsp
Cream : 1 tbsp
Powdered Sugar : 3 tbsp
Finely chopped pista : 5 tbsp

Method :
1.       Dry roast khoya  for 5 – 10 mins on low flame .

2.       Add all other ingredients, except sugar and roast for 5 mins  on low flame .
3.       Remove from flame and add sugar . Allow to cool .

4.       Squeeze the rasogullas and coat with khoya mixture and then roll on chopped pistas.
5.       Malai Rajbhog is ready.

Note :
1.       Its very important to cool khoya mixture , otherwise it cant be coated on rasogullas.
2.       Powdered Sugar can be replaced by milk powder but in that case , milk powder should also be mixed while roasting khoya.

Tomorrow’s Recipe : Rasmalai
Keep Reading , Keep Cooking

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