Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Ingredients :

For Chena

Milk : 1 Litre
Citric Acid : half tbsp
Water : One cup

For Sugar Syrup:
Sugar :  2 cups
Water : 2 and half cups
Cardamom Powder : half tsp


1.       Boil milk , Keep stirring while boiling so that creamy layer is not formed . Formation of cream is not desirable here.
2.       When boiled , remove from flame , and allow to cool about 20 %.
3.       Heat  one cup of water in a pan . We need luke warm water .Dissolve citric acid in it .
4.       Add this citric acid water to boiled milk spoon by spoon and keep stirring .The milk will start curdling .

5.       Stop immediately add citric acid water as the milk curdles completely .Chena is formed.
6.       Strain the chena in a muslin cloth . Wash chena with cold water.

7.       Hang the muslin cloth with chena on a kitchen tap or window or any other suitable place for 30 mins.
8.       After 30 minutes , knead the chena very well to avoid any lumps.
9.       Divide in small balls .Around 12 balls are appropriate for 1 ltr of milk. On putting in sugar syrup rasogullas will be more than double of volume of these balls.
10.   In a deep and thick bottom pan , add sugar and water .When the sugar dissolves , add chena balls one by one slowly .press lightly the balls and drop them to avoid breaking.

11.   Cover and cook on medium flame for 18 – 20 minutes. Check in between . if you feel rasogullas are done , take a rasogulla out of syrup and press lightly with a spoon , if it swells back , it means its done . Dont overcook , otherwise rasogullas will become hard.
12.   Sprinkle cardamom powder and allow to cool .Serve chilled.

Note : 1.There are many methods of curdling milk (use of lemon , curd, vinegar)  but this is best , economic and error free.

Tomorrow’s Recipe :Peda

Keep Reading , Keep Cooking

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