Monday, September 22, 2014



Maida : 100 gms
Curd : 50 gms
Fruit Salt ( Eno) : one fourth tsp
Oil / ghee for deep fry :

For Sugar Syrup:

Sugar : 3/4 cup
Water : 1 cup
Orange Food Color : 4-5 drops


1. Mix maida and curd well . Ensure that there are no lumps . The mixture should have pouring consistency like cake batter.
2. Keep this aside for fermentation in a warm place . At cold place , batter will take around one day for fermentation and at hot places , it will take , 10 - 12 hrs .
3. After fermentation mix it again very well , add fruit salt and mix again.
4. Fill the batter either in a  thick polythene cone or cloth potli or in a ketchup dispenser.
5. Heat oil or ghee , pour the mixture in the shape of spiral / jalebi in pan on medium flame .

6. Deep fry turning sides till it becomes brown . put fried jalebies in  hot sugar syrup for 2 mins and take out .

7. Can be served with rabri

For the sugar syrup:

1.In a  sauce pan add sugar and water. Put on medium heat  and stir ocasionally.When the sugar dissolves add orange food color .Heat on slow flame for 8- 10 mins or till syrup becomes little thick (two string consistency)..

Tomorrow's Recipe : Masala Papad in short glass.

Keep Reading , Keep Cooking 

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